Saturday, March 17, 2012

Free Publicity Ideas For Gym Owners

If you're a regular reader of our articles and our blog, then you know that the team recommends getting FREE publicity whenever possible. After all, why pay for advertising when you can get it completely free?

Well, today's a good time to get started. It's almost Easter, and that gives any small business owner an excuse to get some more free publicity! Here's how.....

Since you own a health club, and you're a local expert on diet and exercise, why not create a story for the media? Write a short article about something Easter-related, like how many calories are in Easter candy or how many calories you burn during a 30-minute Easter egg hunt. Keep it short, fun and informative. Then give that article to the local newspaper and ask them to run it in their publication.

Although you won't get paid for your submission, you will get an "author's box" at the end of the article that says who you are, what gym you own, and include your phone number. Some newspapers will also print a photo of you alongside the article. That article is now basically just a free advertisement for you! Hundreds, if not thousands, of people will read that article and instantly make the connection that you are a health and fitness expert. If you help them make that mental connection often enough, then when it's time for them to join a gym they're going to think of you first.

If you need a good example of how to write an article like this, click here to read an article we wrote titled Easter Weight Loss Tips. It's short and informative, making it exactly the kind of article that newspapers need on a daily basis!

Of course, you should also plan the two slam-dunk Easter ideas for any health club: the coloring contest and the Easter egg hunt.

Get an Easter coloring page, photocopy it, and pass it out to the children of your gym members. Submissions should be posted in the health club and the winner selected the last business day before Easter. You may want to consider having the members vote to determine the winners. Have small prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The kids will have fun, the parents will appreciate it, and you'll have more loyal members.

You should also host an Easter egg hunt to take place the Saturday before Easter. If you make it open to just gym members, then they'll appreciate your efforts and be more loyal to your business (increased member retention). If you make it open to the public at large, then you'll get quite a few non-members into the building and you'll have the opportunity to give them a tour or at least a brochure.

If the coloring contest and/or the Easter egg hunt is open to the public, don't forget to release that information to the local media. After all, that's even more FREE publicity!

These are all just basic free publicity ideas for small business owners and for gym owners in particular. For a much larger list of FREE articles for health club owners, click here.

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