Friday, October 16, 2009

Health Club Marketing Idea

If you've ever shopped in a grocery store that has those Catalina coupon machines at the checkout stands, then maybe you've received a coupon like the one pictured here.

The other day I was shopping in Albertsons, a local grocery store, and the Catalina machine issued me this coupon for the local Fashion Bug clothing store.

That got me thinking about health club marketing ideas and the owners of small circuit training health clubs can copy the marketing ideas of the "big boys".

Here's a revealing question for any small business owner: How many local businesses will distribute a coupon or brochure for YOU today?

If your answer was "none", then you have a problem.

In this economy, you simply cannot afford to sit and wait for new gym members to come to you. It's not enough to hope for the best. To achieve success (or even survival) you MUST actively seek out health club marketing ideas and promote your health club every day.

Getting back to the Catalina coupon I received at Albertsons, can you see the power of that marketing idea working? Fashion Bug is being promoted to the Albertsons customer. Maybe they paid for Albertsons to distribute their coupons (they probably did) but you can copy this concept without spending a dime!

What you need to do is exchange coupon promotion with another business in town. You'll pass out their coupons or brochures, and in exchange they'll do the same for you. Just think of how many potential NEW gym members will be exposed to your message this way! This health club marketing idea is a win for the other business, too, because they're of course interested in marketing to your existing clients.

The maximize the returns off this marketing idea you should choose a partner business that serves the same customer you do. If you're a health club for women only, then exchange coupons with another local company that serves women. A clothing store would be a good example. Since you're promoting health and fitness, you may also want to approach a health food store or vitamin shop.

Next you'll need to have the actual coupons printed. Keep them simple. Few people will take the time to read an entire brochure! We recommend using the ever-popular and low-cost business card, but instead of just putting your contact information on it you should turn it into a coupon. Check out this picture for an example, and on the "Courtesy Of" line you'll print the name of the business that is passing out these coupons for you. The best price we've found is VistaPrint where you can get FREE Business Cards

Now, do you REALLY want to kick this health club marketing idea up a notch? To take things to the next level, what you can do is give value to the other business. In other words, create a special offer just for them. This is particularly useful if you're having trouble getting a local company to partner with you.

For example, when ABC Health Foods is distributing your coupons to their customers you could give a discount to anyone who brings in their receipt from ABC Health Foods. This adds value to ABC Health Foods, and makes them look like the "good guy" who is going the extra mile for their customer.

The sky really is the limit with what this health club marketing idea can do for you! We've seen gyms run contests with massage therapists. We've seen fitness centers teach a class in a health food store, and we've seen coffee shops bring free healthy smoothies into a health club to give out samples.

Health club marketing doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg, and it doesn't have to take up every moment of your spare time. The key is to get other people and other businesses to distribute coupons for you.

So, how many local businesses will distribute a coupon or brochure for YOU today?

Merchant Accounts and Credit Card Processing

Monday, October 5, 2009

Health Club Marketing Campaigns For October

In case you missed it, we've written an original and FREE article with almost fifty (yes, 50!) health club marketing ideas for you to use in October. If you haven't read it yet, click here to do so NOW.

Ready for another great idea for a health club marketing campaign in October?

Sponsor a costume contest! This is the one time of the year where you can have a lot of fun dressing up without people thinking you're weird.

What, you thought every health club marketing campaign had to be about health and fitness? Of course not! Some of the best campaigns for gyms and health clubs have absolutely nothing to do with exercise! What's important is that they're FUN, they GENERATE EXCITEMENT, and they BRING PEOPLE INTO THE FITNESS CENTER.

Here are the simple steps to hosting a Halloween costume contest as a health club marketing campaign this month:

1) Decide on the rules. We highly recommend that you have at least two categories, one for adults and another for children. While the kids probably won't be members of your gym, who cares? It's fun for them, and besides mom and/or dad will have to bring them into the health club to enter! You'll also need to decide if you're going to allow any costume, just homemade costumes, etc.

2) Decide on the prizes. You can award the winners cash, a free month gym membership, free tanning sessions, or whatever. You may even want to consider awarding some real engraved trophies to add some class and professionalism to the event! If you choose to go this route, then we recommend Trophies, Plaques, Medals, and More by Dinn Trophy

3) Announce the contest within the fitness center, and make sure everyone knows about it. Send it out via your regular newsletter, put it up on your website, post signs, etc. Of course, since this costume contest is a health club MARKETING campaign you'll also want to have members invite their friends and family to participate. The goal isn't just to help your existing membership base have fun (and thus remain loyal customers), but also to bring in new members.

4) On Halloween, have everyone come to the health club to show off their costume. You'll be ready with a camera, of course! Take a picture of everyone, and immediately print and post their photo on the wall of the gym. Make this an event! Have healthy snacks available, play spooky music, have some decorations up, and just basically have a good time! You may want to consider playing our Creepy Halloween cue CD this day for added fun! You can order one here.

5) Pick a winner. You can either have everyone vote for their favorite, you can have a celebrity judge decide a winner for you, or you can simply select the winner yourself. Award the prizes at the end of the business day, and be sure to get some photos of the winners accepting their trophies!

6) Okay, you're not done yet! Remember that this costume contest isn't just for fun. It's a health club marketing campaign designed to boost revenue! On Halloween night, or early the next day, take the photos of the winners down to the local newspaper along with a short paragraph you've written explaining the contest. Everyone loves a winner, and local news like this often makes it onto the community page. It's free advertising for you, and the winners love to see themselves in the paper!

Doing some marketing for your health club doesn't have to be boring. With just a little effort you can host a costume contest that people will be talking about for years to come!

To help you get started with your costume contest, we've researched the web to find you the best deals on Halloween costumes and Halloween party decorations. Check the links below to get started. Enjoy!


Get 20% off 1 item at SpiritHalloween when you use the coupon code SPAF20! Hurry, this offer ends 10/29/09!


5 products, under $5 at - Hurry, when they're gone, they're gone!

Clearance Costumes & Party Supplies at


Free Shipping on Halloween costumes

Get 10% off orders $50+ Use code hpc10 at checkout

Get 10% off & Free Shipping on orders $70+ Use hpc10ship at checkout


5% off all orders of $30 or more! Use code JUNE5 at checkout. Expires June 30.

Blowout prices - Up to 74% off Clearance Costumes at!

Free Shipping on all orders of $70 or more!


Use coupon code JOKER for $12.00 off orders of $100.00 or more.

Get $5 off all orders over $35. Enter Coupon CJ5 at checkout.

Use coupon code CATWOMAN for Free Ground Shipping on orders $85.00 or more

Use coupon code BATMAN for $6.00 off orders of $60.00 or more

FREE ground shipping on orders over $55 Enter coupon code CJGROUND at checkout.

By the way, where else do you get FREE health club marketing ideas like this? Only gives circuit training health club owners FREE health club marketing campaign ideas! Wouldn't this be a good time to refer us to another gym owner?